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  • I have been assaulted but did not call the police, is it too late?
Each case is decided on a case by case basis. Call your local police agency to make a report. They will decide if a warrant should be submitted.

  • I would like to prosecute but I don't want him to go to jail and lose his job, are there alternatives to jail?
Yes. Depending on the facts of the case, probation with batterer's intervention, parenting classes where appropriate, and substance abuse counseling if necessary are some of the alternatives to jail time.
  • How do I get into a shelter?
For immediate assistance call 1 800 799-7233. If it is not an emergency call your court advocate for assistance.

  • Will I have to testify in Court?
Yes. You are most likely the primary witness to what happened.

  • My children have been traumatized by domestic violence. Should They go to counseling?
In some cases, counseling is appropriate. The Domestic Violence Court Advocates can give you referrals for counseling. Call 313 224-5857 and ask to speak to a Court Advocate.